Sixteen Stone by Tiffany

Luxury Watches SHARE Tiffany & Co. is a brand known for its exquisite jewelry collections, and one of these iconic collections is the Sixteen Stone. This collection was introduced in 2019 and features delicate, sparkling stones in various shapes and sizes. The Sixteen Stone collection is a tribute to Tiffany’s timeless elegance and commitment to […]
Who Are The Largest Jewelry Collectors?

Fine Jewelry SHARE Jewelry has always been an incredible display of prestige and wealth, and it’s not just us mortals who appreciate it. The world’s billionaires, royals and celebrities have an unmatched love for precious stones and metals. Starting with a stunning collection that includes over 500 pieces, among which is an Egyptian jewelry collection […]
Art Deco Jewelry

Fine Jewelry SHARE Art Deco Jewelry emerged in the 1920s and 1930s during a time of great cultural and economic change. The Art Deco movement, which spurred the creation of this jewelry style, was heavily influenced by the changing social and cultural landscape of the time, as well as the advancements in technology and industrialization. […]
Selling Fine Jewelry

Fine Jewelry Auctions The term “fine jewelry” is used for any jewelry that is made from precious metals such as gold, silver, or platinum. Fine jewelry typically contains genuine gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, garnets, citrines, rubies, tourmalines, or emerald. Fine jewelry is durable and made to last so it is suitable for every day use. […]
Reselling fine jewelry

Fine Jewelry Resale Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Tips for selling or buying fine jewelry. Fine jewelry used to be a sign of royalty once reserved for kings and queens, and/or presented as gifts. Later fine jewels and gemstones were used to denote stature, upper-class status, and elegance, and today, fine […]
What is the best method of reselling fine jewelry?

What’s the best method of selling fine jewelry? Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin You know you don’t want to try and resell fine jewelry on your own. This is not safe. But what are the options? The decision to sell fine jewelry can be a difficult one and the decision how […]
Jewelry by Daria de Koing

Daria de Koing couture Jewelry All Estate Sales & Auctions Company consigns, auctions, and manages both public and private sales for all types of fine jewelry including the California jewelry designer Daria de Koing. FINE JEWELRY AUCTIONS Fine jewelry collections by Daria de Koing are successfully managed due to their one-of-kind, hand made sensibility. These […]
The Cartier Panthers

The Cartier Panthers How the famous panther came to be. You don’t have to be an animal lover, or a lover of felines to adore the Cartier panthers whether it is a watch, pendant, ring, bracelet, brooch, cufflinks, handbag, wallet or even a scarf. It was when Jeanne Toussaint first laid eyes on a live […]
Designer handbags and fine jewelry auction December 2020

Fine jewels, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Patek Philippe Auction Sunday Dec 13, 2020 10:00 AM PST Get more information Immediate shipping for Christmas. Immediate shipping for Christmas. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase high profile jewels and time pieces below retail and some below wholesale. Vintage and modern, something for everyone. Men’s and […]
Brooches and estate jewelry

You don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to wear and love broaches. I remember my grandmother always having a brooch on her coat, dress, sweater, or jacket, not only when she left the house, but around the house! She also wore false eye lashes into her 90’s, and I never saw her without lipstick, so […]