
Alexandrite “Emerald by day, ruby by night” A high quality Alexandrite is one of the most expensive and rare stones in the world. There are also a lot of synthetic Alexandrites in the market. One day I was at my jewelers getting a ring sized and the woman in front of me was extremely chatty […]
Designer handbags and fine jewelry auction December 2020

Fine jewels, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Patek Philippe Auction Sunday Dec 13, 2020 10:00 AM PST Get more information Immediate shipping for Christmas. Immediate shipping for Christmas. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase high profile jewels and time pieces below retail and some below wholesale. Vintage and modern, something for everyone. Men’s and […]
Brooches and estate jewelry

You don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to wear and love broaches. I remember my grandmother always having a brooch on her coat, dress, sweater, or jacket, not only when she left the house, but around the house! She also wore false eye lashes into her 90’s, and I never saw her without lipstick, so […]
Boucheron Jewelry

Boucheron Fine Jewelry Interesting facts about Boucheron: – In 1983 the location for Boucheron’s first store in Paris was selected because it was the sunniest corner location. Boucheron believed that his diamonds would sparkle even greater with the bright sun, and he was surely correct. – Boucheron was always a family owned business until Gucci […]
Jewelry by FRED

Jewelry by Fred pearls, diamonds, and colored stones. Fred Samuel, born in Argentina, was born into the business of precious stones. His passion from the start was for pearls and quickly became recognized as an expert in the field. Fred worked with the finest quality pearls, and was specifically intriqued with those with a pink […]
Harry Winston

Harry Winston Harry Winston is an American jeweler who has owned some of the most important diamonds in the world. He owned the Hope Diamond for 10 years, inspired the iconic movie “Diamonds are a girls best friend” and is known for some of the highest quality jewelry ever made. Winston first worked in his […]
Andreoli Fine Jewelry

Andreoli Fine Jewelry All Estate Sales and Auction Company buys, sells, consigns, auctions, and loans on Andreoli and other brand name fine jewelry. Andreoli fine jewelry always brings excitement to auctions as it is so well known internatioally. It’s reputation as being one of the choice jewerlers at Neiman Marcus certain gives it a certain panashe. […]
Cocktail Rings

Cocktail Hour In terms of gift giving, when the velvet ring box won’t shut tight, I know I’m gonna love what is inside. When it comes to jewels, bigger is better, hence the ‘cocktail ring’. A cocktail ring is a ring that is larger than usual, meant to attract attention, and typically made of a […]
The Wanted List

Below are some of our most sought after items. We have buyers anxious to purchase these items, and items like these. If you have items that you are considering selling, have a conversation with us. We don’t mind if you pick our brain! Hermes Hermes blankets Hermes China Hermes clothing & accessories Hermes jewelry Fine […]

Faberge… it’s not just about eggs. Many people don’t realize that Faberge is a world renowned designer and producer of important jewelry & timepieces. Ask anyone what they know about “Faberge” and they will likely tell you it’s the company that made the jeweled eggs for Russian leaders. Although that’s correct, there is so much […]