Gold Leaf mirrors, collectibles, gold coins, and art.
Mirrors, furnishings, art, clothing, and tools are typical items to be found at estate sales but lately we have been noticing gold leaf mirrors and frames, gold coins, and gold collectibles. They are always snatched up quickly by gold collectors, designers, as and savvy shoppers.
Neiman Marcus always has a wide range of gold leaf mirrors for sale. Going back many years and still to date, you can find gold leaf mirrors available on their website. Typically they range in price from $2000-$3000 for the large ones. I recall when Horchow and Neiman’s first starting carrying Christoper Guy’s massive gold leaf mirrors and wall hangings. Perhaps it was this exposure that launched him into his now world wide fame?
Michael Aram’s designs are gaining more and more popularity as well.
I recall first seeing Michael Arams home accessories at Saks 5th Avenue and now I see Michael Aram stores across the USA. Additionally his items being sold everywhere including Neiman Marcus, Macys, and Horshow.
His large mirrors retail for about $2000 depending on size and his accessories, like this Adam and Eve vase retails for about $4500.00

Then there’s Eric Clapton’s 24 carat gold leaf Stratocaster which fetched over $455,000.00 at auction in 1996. It was made to mark the guitar makers 50th year in business.

Gold coins are also in very high demand as well as gold jewelry, scrap gold, and yes even gold dental scrap has value. As gold prices are at record highs, now is the best time to sell. Clearing out your jewelry box of old gold jewelry from high school and college, that will never be worn again, will provide you the cash to buy new!
Call us for any gold leaf, solid gold, gold coins, or scrap gold you may be thinking of selling. We always market the items of our clients wide to insure top return.