Happy buyer of Large Sapphire and diamond ring from Austin estate sale.
According to the new owner of this stunning Sapphire and diamond ring, “size does matter”.
This perfect 6 carat oval Sapphire, surrounded buy 3 carats of diamonds is now settled into its new home in Dallas. The new owner tells her friends and family she is “tickled Blue” to have the luck and good timing to have the opportunity to purchase this rare find.
In late August Caroline came across the web site of All Estate Sales and Auction Company and dropped a note to the owner about precious jewelry. She had always wanted a big Emerald and a big Sapphire but the prices have become so out of control, these big stones have been impossible to find, not to mention the price tags that go along with them now.
Recently Caroline had admired a Sapphire ring from a local jeweler but it wasn’t the right shape, it was very dark, and it was $100,000.00!
When the owner of All Estate Sales and Auction Company called Caroline to let her know about this Sapphire ring that had just come available, Caroline jumped on it.
A few pictures were exchanged, the ring came with GIA certification, the stone is unheated, and both buyer and seller could not be happier.
Caroline’s order for an Emerald is still in process…
Interesting Fact
It is interesting to know that the Sapphire in Princess Diana’s engagement ring is heated. Some people are turned off by heated stones, but collectors and experts advise a heated stone does not diminish its value.